The Abalta Tech Blog
Automotive Cybersecurity
Introduction Imagine this. One fine morning, you start your car, and the infotainment screen welcomes you with your favorite [...]
Flutter for Automotive
Flutter is a fast growing, cross-platform application framework. It is popular for mobile development and is gaining traction for [...]
How WebLink Keeps the Vehicle Connected
The automotive industry is rapidly evolving. Automotive companies are striving to make driving experiences safer and more enjoyable, while [...]
Upgrade Your Ride: Personalize Your Car Infotainment to Maximize Enjoyment
Car infotainment and personalization have become increasingly important aspects of the modern driving experience. With advancements in technology, car [...]
The Automotive Trends We Saw at CES 2023
CES has been the showcase for emerging technologies for quite some time, and if you want your finger on the [...]
The Biggest Upcoming Trends in Infotainment (And the One That Should Be on Everyone’s List)
The combination of information and entertainment has long dominated our various screens. And the infotainment industry is increasingly taking our [...]